SAGA DAWN, the 45 000 m3 LNG vessel for Saga LNG shipping, built at China Merchants Heavy Industry, returned from the sea trial where the vessel showed great performance.
The speed & manoeuvring tests showed very good result, and the speed of 17 knots is well above both contracted speed and model test results.
The test company of this sea trial has also participated at several sea trials of FKAB designs built at AVIC Dingheng and we were told how impressed they are about the very good sea trial results FKAB designs have.
We are very glad to hear that.
We at FKAB are proud to be part of this journey, and together with the owner and shipyard design this new typ of LNG carrier.
General information about SAGA DAWN
This vessel has a patented LNG tank system named LNT A-BOX, developed by LNG New Technologies, and SAGA DAWN is the first vessel of its kind with such tanks.
This new type A tank is offering cost effective design and easy fabrication enabling new yards to enter the LNG sector.
The tank configuration gives an excellent volume utilization and providing an efficient hull form and ensures almost a closed flat deck area.
The vessel has a deadweight at design draught of 24 500 tonnes/ 29 500 tonnes at freeboard draught and is designed for low fuel consumption & high cargo capacity.
It has a four stroke dual fuel engine and auxiliary engines able to use natural gas.
The vessel concept is named LNT 45 and was developed by FKAB together with LNT New Technologies.
FKAB has been involved both in the project to design the LNG tanks and the Basic Design of the vessel.
Through FKAB’s offices in Sweden and China, FKAB has delivered both Basic Design & Extended Basic Design to the shipyard.
More information about the vessel is found via the below links:
FKAB har levererat framgångsrika fartygsdesigner i mer än 60 år. Detta gör oss till en innovativ och pålitlig partner från de första skisserna till färdigt produktionsunderlag och levererat fartyg. Våra kunder är redare, varv, myndigheter och energileverantörer runt om i hela världen.