FKAB T31 tanker design ‘EVOLUTION’ is the first one in a series of two vessels and is designed for highest energy efficiency.
It was built by the shipyard AVIC Dingheng in China.
The design was closely developed along with the Sirius Rederi AB team.
‘’Sirius rederi AB and FKAB marin design have been working together in various projects since mid 1990. Our long-term relationship has ended up in basic designs of 2 x 7999 DWT oil/chemical tankers and flexi tanker LNG bunker vessel’’
Jonas Backman, CEO Sirius Rederi AB
Through FKAB’s offices in Sweden and China we delivered the concept and basic design to the owner and shipyard.
Saturnus is a 7999 DWT oil and chemical (IMO II) vessel, with ice class 1A and equipped with a two stroke engine (TIER III) with exhaust gas cleaning SCR catalyser to meet SECA area 0,1% low emission regulations and provides NOx level below 2 gr/kWh.
The propulsion is provided by a two stroke main engine with shaft generator coupled to a CP propeller. PTI ‘take me home’ device, trough a retractable bow thruster powered from the auxiliary engines. To save fuel, the shaft generator is connected via frequency converter allowing optimum propeller rpm at various speeds. The 4 bladed propeller is of low noise type, made of Ni-Al-Bronze and integrated in the Promas rudder system.
This vessel can carry 6 grades simultaneously in its 11 cargo tanks and 2 slop tanks on main deck. The Vessel is LNG ready, main engine, deck strength and stability is considered for future upgrade. Saturnus is expected to reach North Europe in coming months.
FKAB har levererat framgångsrika fartygsdesigner i mer än 60 år. Detta gör oss till en innovativ och pålitlig partner från de första skisserna till färdigt produktionsunderlag och levererat fartyg. Våra kunder är redare, varv, myndigheter och energileverantörer runt om i hela världen.