This is the third one in this series of ferries, and the big difference from the other two named SATURNUS & NEPTUNUS (shown on the picture) is that this one is with hybrid propulsion.
The ferry is 100×18 m and have room for 80 cars and 297 passengers and is built by the shipyard Baltic Workboats AS in Estonia.
She will serve on the ferry-route Gullmarsleden, located between Uddevalla & Lysekil.
FKAB Marine design have designed the vessel concept and made both the procurement documentation for STA and the building documentation for the yard.
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FKAB har levererat framgångsrika fartygsdesigner i mer än 60 år. Detta gör oss till en innovativ och pålitlig partner från de första skisserna till färdigt produktionsunderlag och levererat fartyg. Våra kunder är redare, varv, myndigheter och energileverantörer runt om i hela världen.