The latest member of the Utkilen A/S fleet is now delivered and left the shipyard on Sunday 28:th of June.
The vessel is a 10 500 DWT stainless steel tanker and is a very environmentally friendly design with focus on low fuel consumption, reduced NOx emissions and to prepare her for possible future upgrades of fuel with the installed LNG ready engine.
Shore power is installed with a capacity enough to handle loading and unloading.
The high loading and unloading pump capacity in combination with great tank cleaning efficiency will reduce time in port.
The vessel is prepared for a battery pack installation to be used either as UPS or for Peak shaving.
The vessel is designed by FKAB Marine Design in close and very good cooperation with both the owner Utkilen A/S and the Shipyard Avic Dingheng Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.
The Utkilen T32 design is an ice class chemical tanker with cargo tanks in duplex stainless steel.
We, at FKAB Marine Design, are proud and glad to have worked together with all involved parties during the design of the vessel.
For more information about the design, please visit the links below.
FKAB har levererat framgångsrika fartygsdesigner i mer än 60 år. Detta gör oss till en innovativ och pålitlig partner från de första skisserna till färdigt produktionsunderlag och levererat fartyg. Våra kunder är redare, varv, myndigheter och energileverantörer runt om i hela världen.