By this FKAB enters the US market, where Crucible Engineering is well established.
With the FKAB experience since 1961 and a portfolio of high peforming vessels with a focus on environmental friendliness within several segments such as Dredgers, Product and Chemical tankers, Gas carriers, Dry cargo vessels, Ferries and more, together with the Crucible Engineering knowledge of the US market including U.S. Coast Guard regulations, Jones Act compliance and American shipbuilding practices we are excited to jointly serve US customers.
Crucible Engineering, founded in 2022 and based in Seattle, Wash., specializes in marine general contracting, naval architecture, marine engineering and construction management.
More can be read by following the link to the press release by Crucible Engineering that was posted by the Professional Mariner.
Link to Press release in Professional Mariner
FKAB har levererat framgångsrika fartygsdesigner i mer än 60 år. Detta gör oss till en innovativ och pålitlig partner från de första skisserna till färdigt produktionsunderlag och levererat fartyg. Våra kunder är redare, varv, myndigheter och energileverantörer runt om i hela världen.