Delivery of 15 000 DWT Bitumen Tanker for Rubis Group

Today, Friday 30 September, the FKAB designed Bitumen tanker for France-based Rubis Group was delivered.

The vessel is of 15 000 DWT and equipped with diesel electric propulsion, driving 2×360° azimuth thrusters, having Integral cargo tanks and with FKAB F-Bow design, for asphalt transportation services.
It has been designed by FKAB Marine Design, built by China Merchants Jinling Shipyard (Yangzhou) Dingheng Co. Ltd and classified by RINA.
FKAB marine design have done both basic and detail design involving both FKAB Sweden and China offices.

FKAB I17 Product sheet

Use the button below to read about the other FKAB  designed Bitumen tankers.