This state-of-the-art FKAB design is based on Continental Bitumen’s high quality requirements with a focus on low environmental impact, long-term operation, high flexibility, and very low fuel consumption, using the FKAB’s proven modern lines with F-Bow.
The design is a Bitumen & Oil Product tanker with independent cargo tanks for bitumen and asphalt.
The propulsion system consists of a four stroke DF main engine with CP-propeller using LNG/LBG as main fuels.
It is designed with full battery / UPS power, preventing from black outs.
FKAB marine design will be involved in Basic and Detail Design, through both FKAB Sweden and FKAB China offices.
For chineese speaking readers, please use the link below to read more information about the project published by WUHU Shipyard.
FKAB har levererat framgångsrika fartygsdesigner i mer än 50 år. Detta gör oss till en innovativ och pålitlig partner från de första skisserna till färdigt produktionsunderlag och levererat fartyg. Våra kunder är redare, varv, myndigheter och energileverantörer runt om i hela världen.