FKAB, The Sustainable Choice, work every single day with Sustainability to make shipping more and more environmental friendly.
In all the concepts and full Basic Designs we do, we find more and more ways to lower the energy consumption but still keep the good performance.
In addition we are involved in studies and workshops to ensure that we both contribute to a more sustainable world of shipping and that we pick up new trends and ideas.
In the word Sustainability we like to include more than just lower fuel consumption and emissions, for example.
Crew welfare – An environment onboard that is safe, inspiring and prepared for a crew of different gender, culture & religions.
Reduced Climate Impact – Made by the Green Ship Design ideas we have developed during the years, and continuously improve.
Index Compliance – Is checked for owners to ensure that both newbuildings and existing vessels comply with different idexes set by authorities.
Sustainable Audits – Are made to guide owners on updates possible in combination with estimated Return of Investment.
Opex/Capex – A balance of Opex & Capex is discussed both during Concept development and during Sustainable Audits, where FKAB guide the owner in cost and Return of Investment.
Green Ship Financing – Fundings of different kind are available to help the green transition, and FKAB discuss such possibilities in many projects and can share ideas where to find support for Green ship financing.