Energy Optimization Analysis

We deliver the technology that allows you to make a difference!

In a world, where there at times are drastic changes in climate, we should all consider the way we live and work. We should all help to conserve natural resources and reduce environmental impact by, for example, reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Recent changes, in the regulations and pricing on different fuels and also public opinion in terms of fossil fuels, has led to a greater focus on reducing or completely replacing fossil fuels. FKAB is therefore working to optimize shipping vessels to enable lower fuel and energy consumption. We do this on both new projects as well as on existing vessels.

We analyze the entire ship and individual systems based on items such as environment, regulations and perspectives which can be either user-related, have to do with energy or are of a technical and/or economic nature.

  • Pressure drop calculations and flow optimization
  • System and pump curve matching
  • Main and auxiliary engine configuration including related equipment
  • WHR (Waste Heat Recovery)
  • Ventilation
  • Evaluation of ship lines – Propulsion optimization
  • Other energy optimization

Contact us for a no-obligation meeting, we will tell you more about how we can help you.