
Alvar Nuñez
The new hopper dredgers are under construction and will be delivered in 2011 by Tianjin Xinhe Shipyard in the Peoples Republic of China.

Balder R / Njord R
They were designed for Rhode Nielsen A/S and are equipped with two trailing suction pipes with an inner diameter of 700 mm, enabling effective dredging. The load can be discharged by backpumping to the sea bed or into a trench through the suction pipe, over the bow as rainbowing or through the bow connection to a pipe line of ND600/700/800° up to a distance of approximately 4 km.

Baldur is fitted with 2 fixed spuds and one ”walking” forward spud. All spuds can be tilted and can be fastened horizontal on deck for (sea-) towage. All spuds are fitted with two winches which will prevent from losing a spud in case of wire breaks.
The hull is a sturdy welded construction with double bottom and sides. Spuds are made for a depth of 24 m and are prepared for a future lengthening to 30 m depth.
Electric power is generated by diesel generators, located in a dedicated engine room in the pontoon and are cooled by box coolers. Hydraulic power for spud operations (hoisting, lowering, tilting) is generated by a powerpack installed in the pontoon.
A number of boom, stick and bucket arrangements are available as well as other attachments like grabs, rippers, etc.
Accommodation is located at the forward end of the vessel, suitable for 12 persons.

D13 Macuti
The THSD is equipped with a trailing suction pipe, hinged bottom doors for dumping the spoil and a bow connection to delivery the spoil to shore.
Deck house with 12 cabins accommodation.

De Bougainville

All spuds can be tilted by cylinders, with wires still attached and can be fastened horizontal on deck for (sea-) towage. The hull is a sturdy welded construction with double bottom and sides.
The hydraulics of the excavator is driven by electric motors located in the excavator. Electric power is generated by diesel generators, located in a dedicated engine room in the pontoon and are cooled by box coolers. Hydraulic power for spud operations (hoisting, lowering, tilting) is generated by a powerpack installed in the pontoon.
A number of boom, stick and bucket arrangements are available as well as other attachments like grabs, rippers, etc.
Accommodation is located at the forward end of the vessel, suitable for 9 persons.

They are capable of dredging compacted sand, stiff clay, rock and similar soils. Both dredgers are equipped with 2 dredge pumps and 2 identical spuds.

Jan Blanken
The vessel is constructed for unrestricted operation worldwide. Trasporting all kinds of dredged and other bulk material. Wide bottom opening of 5 m allowing large stones and quick discharge.
The two jet water pumps with a capacity of 3400 m3/h at 2 Bar supplying two jet water guns for effective discharge, also for sticky materials. The jet water is also used as side thrusters in the bow.
Deck house with accommodation for 9 persons.

KAO 505
Free passage from engine room to pumproom forward. Above this passage way waterballast tanks and fuel oil tanks are located.
The dredger is fitted with one trailer suction pipe. The load can be discharge through two rows of single type box-shaped bottom doors, by back-pumping ti the seabed or into a trench through the suction pipe, over the bow as rainbowing or through the bow connection to a pipe line. The dredgepump, located in the pumproom driven by a diesel engine through a reduction gear box.

These vessels are built at Tianjin Xinhe Shipyard in the Peoples Republic of China. L’Aigle was delivered on the 2nd of September 2005, La Boudeuse on the 1st of December 2005, L’Etoile on 24 January 2006, Le Sphinx on 22 May 2007 and Le Guerrier on 16 July 2007. Astrolabe is expected to be delivered by the end of 2009 and Boussole in 2010.

Terra Ferre 501

No Split Engine Room – NOSPER
- One no split body containing One common engine room.
- The engine room/accommodation body are connected by hinges/links to the split hopper part
- Deck-house mounted directly above the engine room.
- Hopper and forebody are split as for normal split hopper vessels.