Sirius T31 is a 9 700 m3, TIER III oil product tanker for chemicals (IMO II) and oil products. It is designed for low fuel consumption and high cargo capacity with a density of 1,54 ton/m3 in an SECA area trade.

The vessel is a Oil and Chemical Tanker with double skin, one continuous deck, ­­forecastle- and poop deck.
The hull form is designed for good performance in harsh weather conditions. Tanker is designed for European waters Vessel to be “LNG ready” regards to deck strength and vessel stability for later installation of two times 200 m3 independent LNG type C tanks
By keeping the dwt under 8 000 this vessel can be relived for the intergas system.

Vessel is divided into 2 x 5 cargo center tanks + 1 cargo center tank (CT No 1), 2 slop tanks, The collector pipes to be arranged with proper steam/wash connections with valve in both ends of the collector pipe. Complying with 6 grades.
A longitudinal pipe tunnel above deck with a passage between poop and the forecastle is arranged. Cables and pipes to be located inside the pipe tunnel.

Propulsion is provided by a medium speed dual fuel engine with a gearbox to be fitted with PTO and shaft generator coupled to a CP propeller. PTI ‘Take me home’ device, through a retractable bow thruster from the auxiliaries. In order to save fuel the shaft generator is connected via a frequency converter allowing optimum propeller rpm at various speeds.
Alternatively a four stroke engine can be fitted.

The propeller to be of 4-bladed made of Ni-Al-Bronze and to be of low noise type. SCR catalyser to be installed at both ME and AUX engine exhaust gas system.

The deck strength and vessel stability to be prepared for later installation of two times 200 m3 independent LNG type C tanks, of vacuum insulated type. Design pressure 10 bar(g).