Tanker Ship Design
Tailored Solutions
At FKAB, we specialize in services for coated tanker ship design, supporting shipowners, shipyards, and energy suppliers worldwide. Our expertise includes chemical tanker design, LNG tanker design, oil tanker design, and bulk carrier ship design, with a focus on energy efficiency and fuel economy.
As marine consultants we are dedicated to help our clients build sustainable ships that meet the demands of a greener future. With innovative solutions and a commitment to excellence, we tailor our services to optimize vessel performance and support the global transition to more sustainable maritime operations. We do this on both new projects as well as on existing vessels.

FKAB T31 Sirius
9 700 m3 Oil & Chemical Tanker IMO II
Sirius T31 is a 9 700 m3, TIER III tanker ship design for chemicals (IMO II) and oil products. It is designed for low fuel consumption and high cargo capacity with a density of 1,54 ton/m3 in an SECA area trade. The vessel is a chemical and oil tanker design with double skin; one continuous deck, forecastle- and poop deck.
The hull form is designed for good performance in harsh weather conditions. Designed for European waters Vessel to be “LNG ready”, in regards to deck strength and vessel stability for later installation of two times 200 m3 independent LNG type C tanks. By keeping the dwt under 8 000, this vessel can be relieved for the intergas system. The vessel is divided into 2 x 5 cargo center tanks + 1 cargo center tank (CT No 1), and 2 slop tanks.
The collector pipes are arranged with proper steam/wash connections with valves in both ends of the collector pipe. Complying with 6 grades. A longitudinal pipe tunnel above deck with a passage between poop and the forecastle is arranged. Cables and pipes to be located inside the pipe tunnel. Propulsion is provided by a medium speed dual fuel engine with a gearbox to be fitted with PTO and shaft generator coupled to a CP propeller. PTI ‘Take me home’ device, through a retractable bow, also thruster from the auxiliaries.
In order to save fuel the shaft generator is connected via a frequency converter allowing optimum propeller rpm at various speeds. Alternatively a four stroke engine can be fitted. The propeller to be of 4-bladed made of Ni-Al-Bronze and to be of low noise type. SCR catalyser to be installed at both ME and AUX engine exhaust gas system. The deck strength and vessel stability to be prepared for later installation of two times 200 m3 independent LNG type C tanks, of vacuum insulated type. Design pressure 10 bar (g).

4 999 DWT Product & Chemical Tanker Design
The FKAB T40 is a 4999 dwt, double hull TIER III product and chemical (IMO type II) class. It is designed for trading in the SECA area with low fuel consumption, low emissions and high cargo capacity. It has diesel electric machinery with twin skeg/twin screws for low fuel oil consumption and high redundancy.
The vessel has a clean design, recyclable and redundant propulsion class notation. Five gen sets power the vessel for propulsion and all electric consumers onboard. All engines fulfill Tier III requirements and are driven by MGO. Each gen set is placed in a sound insulation box. For higher safety and better working environment. This vessel is divided into 2×8 cargo tanks for all kinds of cargo, 2 slop tanks.
For good maneuvering, the tanker ship design has two high lift flap rudders. In addition, a bottom suction type bow thruster where the flow is controlled by a rotating drum through three channels; one to SB, one to P and one aft. This gives additional propulsion redundancy to the main propulsion. In all conditions. The vessel is arranged with one manifold midship.

8000 m3 bunker vessel
The FKAB T52 is an 8000 m3 vessel designed for both bunkering operations and the transportations of clean petroleum products in coastal areas. It is developed with high standard accommodation and modern equipment while offering the ability of carrying six different cargo grades. The tanker ship design is planned for very low fuel consumption at an ecospeed of 12,5 knots at 85% MCR and with 15% sea margin and shaft generator at 200kW PTO, at design draught. These vessel’s propulsions comply with IMO NOx emission regulation Tier II. Option: Tier III compliance by SCR systems with FO/MDO/MGO fuel and is LNG ready. Overall, designed with good manoeuvrability performance.

FKAB Utkilen T32
11 300 m3 ICE Class 1A Oil & Chemical Tanker Design /IMO II and III
Utkilen T32 is suitable for worldwide unrestricted operation, particularly designed for harsh North sea weather. It is designed with high standard European accommodation, high-quality equipment and high cargo capacity with a density of 1,85 ton/m3 and partial filling of 2,0 ton/m3 with a maximum temperature of 80°C and 0,6 ton/m3 over pressures.
The vessel is designed for very low fuel consumption at an exospeed of 12,5 knots at 55% MCR with a 15% sea margin, at design draught and an output for the shaft generator of 300 kW. These vessels are dual-fuel-ready for both gas and methanol.

FKAB T39/Clarksons Platou
16 000 m3 /14 200 DWT Product & Chemical Tanker
The FKAB/Clarksons Platou T39 is a 16 000 m3, 14 200 DWT, TIER II oil product tanker for chemicals (IMO II and III) and oil products. It is designed for world wide trade, low fuel consumption and cargo capacity with a density of 1,54 ton/m3. It´s hull form is designed for good performance in harsh weather conditions.
This Vessel is divided into 12 cargo tanks and 2 drain tanks on deck, comprising of 6 grades. Ballast tanks protect the cargo tanks. One cargo tank is dedicated for slop tank and equipped in accordance with the rules. A catwalk above deck with entrances is arranged. Cables and pipes are located beneath the catwalk, which is extended from poop to forecastle.
The vessel is ready for SCR systems in compliance with IMO Tier III NOx emission limits.
There is no SOx scrubber is installed.
Manning is based on a crew of 15 in single cabins.
The propulsion system consists of one four-stroke medium speed diesel engine directly coupled via a gear to the controllable pitch propeller. Main engine and Auxiliary engines will use box cooling systems. “Take me home” / “Take me away” is powered by via a shaft generator in PTI mode coupled to the gear. The shaft generator is connected via a frequency converter allowing optimum propeller rpm at various speeds.
For Main Particulars and predicted fuel consumption, please send an email to to receive full product sheet.

FKAB T24C1 Furetank
20 000 m3 Chemical & Product Tanker
This oil tanker ship is designed for low fuel consumption and high cargo capacity with a density of 1,54 tonnes/m3 in an SECA area trade. The hull form is designed for good performance in harsh weather conditions. The tanker is designed for European waters considering the Stanlow locks, St. Lawrence Seaways, draught restrictions in various ports and keeping the total length below 150 m. The vessel is divided into 12 cargo tanks, of which one is dedicated for slop and 2 drain tanks on deck. Complying with 12 grades.
The vessel is designed for good performance with Finnish/Swedish ice class 1A.
Propulsion is provided by a medium speed dual fuel engine with a gearbox with PTI/PTO and shaft generator coupled to a CP propeller in the nozzle. PTI ‘Take me home’ device through PTI from the auxiliaries. In order to save fuel the shaft generator is running on various rpm allowing optimum propeller rpm at various speeds.
The general T24 design is obtainable with various main particulars, considering restrictions in ports and channels, with two- and four-stroke main engines, with steam or thermal oil heating, electrical or hydraulic driven cargo pumps, propeller with nozzle or without and with auxiliary engines tailor-made to customer demands.

FK 17/21
21 500 m3 Chemical and Oil Product Tanker
The FKAB FK17/21 design is a Chemical & Oil Product Tanker with the aim trading in the north European waters consideration to St Lawrence Seaway Navigation, draught restriction in various ports and keeping the rule length below 150 m.
The vessel is divided into ten cargo tanks, two slop tanks and one retention tank on deck, complying with five segregations.
A longitudinal pipe tunnel above deck with a passageway between poop and forecastle is arranged. Cables and pipes to be located inside the pipe tunnel
Ballast tanks are protecting the cargo tanks.
Propulsion is provided by a medium speed diesel engine with a gear and shaft generator coupled to a CP-propeller. Take me home device and boosting, to comply with the ice rules, through PTI from the auxiliaries.
In order to save fuel the shaft generator is connected via a frequency converter allowing optimum propeller rpm at various speeds.
Fuel consumption per 24 hours at the service speed, excluding the shaft generator is calculated to 13,2 ton.

21 500 m3 Chemical and Oil Product Tanker
The FKAB T24-series are 21 000 m3 tankers for Chemicals (IMO II) and Oil Products, they are designed for low fuel consumption and high cargo capacity in an ECA area trade. The hull form is designed for good performance in harsh weather conditions.
FKAB T24A – Slightly longer, narrower and deeper for optimum fuel economy
FKAB T24B – Shorter, wider and low draught
FKAB T24C – Canal restrictions and less draught
The difference lies only in the main particulars, your trade will choose version. The complete cargo piping system in stainless steel and the cargo tanks coated with MarineLine.
Six cargo segregations are possible and give also a possibility to carry heavy chemicals of a density up to 1.54 tonnes/m3.
The vessel is equipped with a low speed engine with low fuel oil consumption allowing a large propeller with high propulsion efficiency.
Main fuel is LNG with fuel tanks on deck and MGO as backup and pilot-fuel. The tanker is however designed to be additionally equipped for using FO, both as main fuel or only as pilot fuel.
The vessel is designed for good ice performance with Finnish/Swedish Ice Class 1A. Fitted with a retractable bow thruster for maneuverability and “Take me home” propulsion.

FKAB T28 Ektank
22 700 m3 Chemical & Product Tanker for Chemicals (IMO II)
Ektank T28 is a 22 700 m3, TIER II oil product tanker for chemicals (IMO II) and oil products. It is designed for low fuel consumption and high cargo capacity with a density of 1,54 ton/m3 in SECA area trade. The hull form is designed for good performance in harsh weather conditions. Tanker is designed for European waters. Vessel is divided into 12 cargo tanks, two slop tanks, 2 drain tanks on deck. The cargo system is handling 6 grades of cargoes simultaneously.
A longitudinal pipe trunk above deck with a passage between poop and the forecastle is arranged. Cables and pipes are located inside the pipe trunk. Ballast tanks are protecting the cargo tanks. Two ballast tanks are arranged as heeling tanks.
The propulsion system consists of one slow speed two stroke engine coupled to a controllable pitch propeller.. “Take me home” / “Take me away” to be handled via PTI by shaft generator.
The ship shall be designed with Finnish/Swedish ice class, ICE 1A.

30 000 DWT Product and Oil Tanker
The FKAB T30 design is a product oil tanker with the aim for navigating in draught restriction port. The design is also suitable to transport vegetable oil as well as other easy chemicals.
The vessel is divided into twelve cargo tanks and two slop tanks. Ballast tanks are protecting the cargo tanks.
Three horizontal centrifugal cargo pumps arranged in pump room. Cargo system designed for load and discharge three (3) different types of cargo simultaneously without contamination.
Propulsion by a fixed pitch propeller driven directly by a two stroke low speed diesel engine.
The vessel hull form is optimized and model tested in a well known European tank test basin. Daily fuel consumption at service speed less than 20 tonnes.
At slower steaming speed 13.0 knots the daily fuel consumption can be reduced to 16 tonnes.
EEDI complies with phase 3 requirement, i.e 30% reduction compare to baseline requirement.

38 000 DWT Tanker for Oil Products & Chemical
The FKAB MR is a 38 000 DWT, IMO type 2, ice class 1B tanker for oil products and chemicals. Designed for worldwide unrestricted operations and with main particulars that meet Venice restrictions.
The tanker is divided into 2 x 8 pairs of cargo tanks plus 1 pair of slop tanks, pure epoxy coated. Cargo system have been designed for 9 grades. Each cargo and slop tank is equipped with a deep well pump, driven by frequency controlled electric motor or hydraulic motor. Cargo SG 1 025 t/m3 full and 1.54 t/m3 at partial load.
The hull form is designed for good performance in harsh weather conditions. The propulsion is provided by a low speed diesel engine directly coupled to a fixed pitch propeller. The propeller can be integrated to rudder to a hydrodynamic efficient unit. A shaft generator can be installed with a frequency convertor in order to save fuel costs at normal sea going conditions.

FKAB MR Tanker
38 500 m3 Chemical Tanker, Optimized for Great Lakes
The FKAB T26 design is a 38,500 m3 Chemical Tanker optimized in accordance with maximum size for the Great Lakes.
Each tank is equipped with one submerged deep well pump frequently controlled and arranged with a super drain pipe. Simultaneous discharge and loading of seven grades. Maximum discharging and loading capacity 3 200 m3/h. The vapor system is divided into forward and aft.
A fixed ventilation system with heater and capacity of 30 000 Nm3/hour. An inert gas system of scrubber type with capacity of 3 500 m3/h and one nitrogen generator for purging.
Cargo heating system consists of one primary and one secondary saturated steam system. Heat exchanger on deck. The complete cargo piping system in stainless steel and cargo tanks coated with phenolic epoxy coating.
Accommodation for thirty two persons. The bridge wings are closed. Shaft generator for variable RPM for the best combination of pitch and propeller revolution at each speed and draught are considered. The FKAB T26 is designed for good maneuvering through a high lift rudder and bow thruster. Heat recovery systems are installed where commercial feasible.

FKAB T29 Donsötank
The FKAB T29 is a 22 000 DWT / 28 000 m3 tanker for product and chemicals (IMO II) and oil
The hull is optimized to acheive maximum cargo intake, for low fuel consumption, designed for excellent performance in calm/ harsh weather conditions.
The vessel is divided into 14 cargo tanks, 2 drain tanks on deck, consisting of 7 cargo segrigations. Cargo denisty 1,54 ton/m3 and ton/m3 when partly filled. Each cargo tank fitted with individual deep well cargo pump.
The propulsion system consits of one four stroke medium speed diesel engine directly coupled via a gear to the controllable pitch propeller. Main engine and auxiiary engines connected to SCR NOx cleaning for TIER III. SOx compliance regulation is acheived by use of LSFO or MGO fuel.
The ship is designed for Finnish/Swedish ice class, ICE +1A.