About FKAB
FKAB is an independent Marine Engineering Company, mainly active in the Marine and Shipbuilding Industry. We work internationally with offices in both Sweden and China.
In 1961 Gustaf Mattsson established his marine design company in the harbor town of Uddevalla on the west coast of Sweden. Today FKAB operates all over the world and has over 60 years of experience of maritime design. Looking to the future, we see new challenges and possibilities everywhere for the shipping industry. Globalization, new technology and new information for sustainable shipping create a whole new scenario for marine technology and design. FKAB Marine Design is in the forefront.
What we offer is advanced and wide skills in design and project-handling for marine construction and other marine undertakings. Our offices in Sweden and China are strategically placed for the delivery of a complete range of marine consultancy services.
Innovation for us means including good ideas and new thinking in advanced and competitive marine design. A continuous and fruitful dialogue with the client is of prime importance, regardless of the project’s size. Our ideas are realized through technological know-how and our understanding of the environment and new demands on the shipping industry.
We love the sea, ships and what we do. Everyone in our offices in Uddevalla, Göteborg, and Shanghai is loyal and devoted to marine design. Our personnel is engineers, economists, project-leaders and other experts who are familiar with all aspects of the marine industry. Our teams are problem-solvers with a perfect result and the client’s best in mind.
FKAB has delivered successful ship designs for over 60 years. Our portfolio of proven ships sailing the oceans of the world is proof of our professional strength. Clients can rely on our experience, our dedication and capacity to deliver high quality, on time.

In 1961, Gustaf Mattsson Optisk Ritbyrå, later to become FKAB, was established in Uddevalla in the western part of Sweden. The basic business concept was to sell production drawings and production data for the small and medium sized shipyards in Sweden.
During the late sixties and the seventies the business grew rapidly with daughter companies established in several countries in Europe as well as in UAE and the US. During this period FKAB became a trusted partner for ship design both for ship-owners and shipyards. At the peak in the late seventies FKAB occupied more than 80 engineers in Sweden and elsewhere. At the same time FKAB:s parent company The Mattsson Group grew investing in shipyards both in Sweden and in other Scandinavian countries.
The general decline within the shipping industry during the late seventies and the eighties also influenced FKAB and the other company within the Mattsson group. Several companies was sold or liquidated and in the beginning of the nineties the only FKAB office left was the one in Uddevalla. In 1993 the bottom was reached and at that time only 22 people was occupied by FKAB.
During the rest of the nineties the business slowly turned to the better and in the mid nineties FKAB started to grow again. One important milestone for FKAB was when the Swedish ship-owner Donsötank made an order for two 18 200 DWT product/chemical tankers at the Chinese Shipyard Shanghai Edwards. FKAB, who had made the concept for these two tankers, then got the order for the basic design. This was the start of a long and prosperous cooperation between FKAB and the Chinese Shipbuilding industry.
In the beginning of the 21:st century FKAB business in China had grown to such extent that a decision was made to establish a daughter company in China. After the decision the process was short and in late 2001 Dalian FKAB Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. or DF-Marine was established in Dalian as a joint venture between FKAB, DASTEC (Dalian Shipbuilding Technology Research Centre Co., Ltd) and FSIGC “Fuijian Shipbuilding Industrial Group Corporation. A branch office in Shanghai opened beginning of 2005. In 2006 FKAB bought out FSIGC and today FKAB own 66% and DASTEC the remaining 34%. In end of 2007 DF-Marine occupied more than 70 engineers.
To be able to grow also in Sweden a new branch office was established in Gothenburg in 2007 and in end of 2007 FKAB occupied more than 40 engineers.
In the spring 2008 another big step in the development of FKAB was made when it was decided that both FKAB and DF-Marine should use a common brand name FKAB Marine Design. The main reason for this is to strengthen the international presence and to build a strong common brand for the future.

Quality & Enviroment
FKAB strives to deliver ship design and consulting services that exceed our customers’ expectations.
The goal of our products is to reduce the environmental impact by being better than the requirements of the legislation.
Every employee’s knowledge and commitment is the company’s main resource.
FKAB is an attractive workplace with a good work environment that is developed through participation in the work with continuous improvements.
Policy statement
Place the customer in the center
We must always start from the customer and his expectations in our business.
Perform high quality services that are environmentally better than the legal requirements.
Our services must be among the best on the market from a quality point of view. Everyone is responsible for the quality of their own work and to carry out the work in such a way that the set requirements are met. Our services must also contribute to products that are environmentally better than the legal requirements.
Strive for continuous improvement By integrating quality and environmental thinking in the business, we will prevent errors and achieve continuity and results in our quality work. In the case of new investments, quality and environmental aspects must always be considered in the decision documents.
Comply with current legislation We must comply with current requirements and legislation. Ensure a good working environment We must prevent physical and mental illness, and ensure a good working environment for our employees. Inform our stakeholders about our quality and environmental work.
Policy and information regarding our quality and environmental work must be open and correct to authorities, the general public, employees, customers and suppliers.
Maintain and develop management systems & systematic work environment work.
Our management system must guide and provide a framework for quality and environmental work. The system must also provide long-term and detailed goals, against which quality and environmental work must be conducted.